branching out

Well, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve last posted anything on ye olde blog. As per the usual, my return has primarily been sparked by lack of things to do in my personal time. Though, a lot has happened (if someone looks back at this post, you’ll notice that it’s written in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic), I haven’t exactly felt inclined to write anything about anything. Maybe I’ll get back to that later, but for now… oops.

I’ve started running my own personal SSBM tournament series with my buddies, the first of which was hilariously under prepared. Given that this was more or less expected, I’ve currently restricted the attendees to a small set of individuals (i.e., my SSBM buddies who help run the tournament), but nonetheless I learned quite a few lessons on how to properly run a tournament. Eventually, I hope to open the doors when things feel more… prepared. With that said, I’ve decided to slowly go through the list of improvements I’ve laid out in my head starting with adding a set count visualization app which is hosted here in my personal IO page.

the app

Given that most tournament sets will be streamed, it’s quite good to provide a visual aid for the prospective viewer on the progress of the given set at hand. I will be adding this visualization to all future tournament streams on my personal twitch channel.

Currently, the app is quite simple (as of writing this post, only a few hours of work has gone into it). The app is written entirely in Elm and mostly using the elm-ui library. Thus far, I’ve had a lot of fun writing it, and it has quickly reignited my curiosity in writing Elm stuff. For those curious, I’ve also left the project entirely open source. Check it out here. There’s still quite a bit of tweaking I want to do before calling it a “finished product”.

Yep. That’s pretty much it for now.

Written September 8, 2020