english breakfast.

April 2, 2019

I managed to fall asleep around 9pm last night, mainly trying to convince myself that I didn’t need to gorge myself with the copious amount of chocolates the hotel left in my room. Woke up around 4am (BST), so jetlag is in full swing. I also forgot to buy water last night, so waking up before the crack of dawn was mostly just me memeing and contemplating whether or not London tap water is a wise choice. Spoilers: it wasn’t. The saving grace for my morning was an English breakfast, the most enjoyable part being the fact that it was down the street from work/hotel. Otherwise, it was pretty bland and quite tasteless. I later learned that one should only get an English breakfast if they make everything from scratch and freshly made just for you.

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UK - the first day.

April 1, 2019

First post not from within the US! For the next 2 weeks, I’ll be working in Droit’s UK office. My goal is to develop closer ties with the engineers here, improve my understanding on how Londoners work and complete the work associated with the latest development sprint. The London crew seems quite welcoming. As an initial observation, I think this is the case because I think most people here are quite clearly extroverted, at least when compared to the general populace in NY.

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code review.

March 20, 2019

Spent today reviewing some work for an upcoming change to Adept. The PR was close to 5000 lines (includes data files). This effort took most of my morning and also part of my afternoon, but I was also (in parallel) working on getting one of my own PRs code reviewed. Finished the day with my work getting merged. Hoorah for less technical debt.

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