Week 3 at the Recurse Center

February 27, 2017

I’m pretty happy with what I got done today despite not feeling all too well when I woke up. I basically just worked on Project Lamp and got most of Chapter 1 done (even though I told myself that I would finish it last weekend).

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Project Lamp is Living

February 22, 2017

I got to iron out a few details on Project Lamp (PL) with Alberto. It seems that we have already made some decent leeway into the project and look forward to presenting tomorrow at RC (HYPE!!!).

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First Post (hype)

February 20, 2017

Today, I spent a few hours learning how to configure this site. I learned that there are a few weird things that happen behind the scenes with Jekyll (seriously, some of this stuff is just jacked up), but those are just somethings that I’ll have to get used to/learn (beats having to actually learn how to write the proper HTML and such).

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