branching out

September 8, 2020

Well, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve last posted anything on ye olde blog. As per the usual, my return has primarily been sparked by lack of things to do in my personal time. Though, a lot has happened (if someone looks back at this post, you’ll notice that it’s written in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic), I haven’t exactly felt inclined to write anything about anything. Maybe I’ll get back to that later, but for now… oops.

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genesis 7

January 27, 2020

This last weekend I watched Genesis 7 which is the largest smash tournament of the year. For the first time in a long time, I watched a major with some friends. I had a lot of fun, even though the tournament didn’t result in my favorite players on top. My girlfriend even watched with me (starting from top 64 on Saturday)!

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weathering with you

January 17, 2020

It was really cold today; according to a co-worker it was 9 degrees with the windchill. Today is also day 2 trying out what I will call my triggering exercise. It’s still pretty early on in the process, so I’ll save my thoughts on it for another time. Nonetheless, it’s quite nice to have a routine set up to clear my mind–regardless of how short lived the feeling might be. On another note, I spent the evening with my girlfriend watching a movie: Weathering With You. If you’re a fan of anime or good films in general, I recommend it. It’s from the same dude who directed Your Name (forgetting his name and for the sake of the exercise that this blog post is part of I won’t let myself get distracted too much). It was a visual treat and was amazing to experience in a theatre. Go see it while it’s still showing!

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